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Yr 1.1 - Ms. Sandra Farrugia

Busy Bees

Lesson: English                                                      Topic: Busy Bees



- Students will learn the importance of protecting the natural habitat of living creatures.

- Students will learn simple characteristics regarding bees: Bees use the pollen from flowers as food; bees spread pollen from one flower to another; many plants cannot grow unless they are cross-pollinated by insects such as bees; bees play a vital role in food production.

- Students will learn the benefits of honey.

Students learn about the amazing abilities of bees and appreciate ways in which these unique insects help humans. 



The lesson will start by showing the first song of the video The Giggle Bellies. The children will sing the song together (Click on the bee to sing the song).



Assess students’ prior knowledge about bees by asking questions such as: 

What kind of creature is a bee?

- What do bees look like?

- What are some parts of a bee’s body?

- What do bees eat?

- What is the role of a bee?

Where do they live?

- Why is it important that the protect the place where bees live?



Children draw bees and flowers which will be put on display.

Yr 1.1 - Ms. Sandra Farrugia, Yr 1.2 - Ms. Anna Pisani, Yr 1.3 Mr. Jonathan Saliba

Healthy Food

Lesson Topic: What food should I eat


Subject: Science, Health and Safety



Video Food Food Poem PPT.

PPT jigsaw ‘food pyramid’. Worksheet food pyramid jigsaw.


Desired learning outcomes:

- Recognise that positive health choices can promote well being.

- Identify different foods that keep us healthy.



Show video about food from site ''. Brainstorm with the class as many different types of foods as they can think of. Record these on the board.



As a class, group foods according to type e.g. fruit, vegetables, meat, bread and cereals, dairy, sometimes foods. i.e. sweets and sugary foods. Discuss with the students the concept of a balanced diet i.e. a combination of foods from all of the food groups, and the benefits of eating more everyday foods from each of these groups and smaller amounts of sometimes foods.

Show students The Food Pyramid for Healthy Eating. Discuss the following:


• What are the everyday foods? • What are the sometimes foods? Why are these sometimes foods? • What types of foods do our bodies need most and least? • Why do you think our bodies need a balance of difference foods? • What do you think would happen if we didn’t eat these foods and only ate the sometimes foods?



- Children to recite a poem about healthy food.

- Children to colour and assemble a food pyramid. 


Assessment Indicators:

- recognises that a variety of food is needed for good health

- talks about the importance of eating healthy food


Modifications / Support:

Support children who need to develop further their FMS and scissors skills.


Follow up

- Children to eventually learn a poem and dance to perform for celebration day.

Yr  1.1 - Ms. Sandra Farrugia

Yr  1.2 - Ms. Anna Pisani

Yr  1.3 - Mr. Jonathan Saliba

Jum iċ-Ċelebrazzjoni

Kulleġġ San Injazju

Skola Primarja Ħaż-Żebbuġ

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