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Yr 6.1 - Ms. Geraldine Ellul Magri

Studju Soċjali: Nimmaniġjaw l-iskart

Bħala parti mis-sillabu tal-Istudju Soċjali nsibu l-kapitlu dwar l-importanza li nillimitaw l-iskart u nirriċiklaw sabiex nieħdu ħsieb l-ambjent u nnaqsu l-ħsara li qed issir minna l-bnedmin. Permezz ta' Komprensjoni li l-istudenti ħadmu f'din il-lezzjoni tgħallimna dwar il-Bring-in-sites u l-iskart li għandu jintrema' ġo fihom. Bdejna bi brainstorming sabiex niddeterminaw x'informazzjoni jafu t-tfal u nkomplu nitgħallmu iktar dwar is-separazzjoni tal-skart. Tkellimna ukoll dwar skart goff li għandu jintrema' direttament fis-Civic Amenity Site billi mmorru narmuh direttament aħna jew nużaw is-servizz tal-Kunsill Lokali.

Għamilna ukoll kitba kreattiva fejn l-istudenti kitbu dak li tgħallmu rigward l-iskart. 

Kitba kreattiva: Artiklu għall-magazin

Ikteb artiklu dwar is-saħħa. Dan l-artiklu se jidher fil-magazin tal-iskola.


Kriterji ta' suċċess: It-tfal jitħarrġu fit-taħdit kif ukoll fil-kitba.


Żvilupp tal-lezzjoni:

Oral: Qabbel - stampa li turi ikel differenti - burger u platt għaġin. L-għalliema ssaqsi mistoqsijiet dwar l-istampi:

- X'qed tara fl-istampa?

- Liema tip ta' ikel jogħġbok l-iktar?

- X'ingredjenti użaw biex għamlu dan it-tip ta' ikel?

- Taħseb li dan huwa ikel sustanzjuż jew għandna nevitaw li nieklu ħafna minnu? Għaliex?

- Tista' ssemmi xi ikel ieħor li huwa sustanzjuż / jew tajjeb li ma tantx nieklu minnu?

- Int xi tħobb tiekol l-aktar?


Oral: Nagħmlu ftit eżerċizzju. 

- X'qed tagħmel din il-familja?

- Fejn jinsabu?

- Għaliex qegħdin hemm?

- Fejn taħseb li qegħdin?

- Fejn taħseb li sejrin?

- Għaliex?


Tinħoloq diskussjoni bħala klassi: Is-Saħħa - x'inhuma dawk l-affrijiet li jżommuna b'saħħitna?


Punti - Is-saħħa hija importanti ħafna kemm għall-kbar kif ukoll għaż-żgħar. Tajjeb li nibżgħu għaliha u għandna nżommu ruħna b'saħħitna billi: nieklu ikel sustanzjuż; inżommu dieta bilanċjata; nieħdu kolazzjon tajjeb u nixorbu ħafna ilma; nevitaw ikel li fih ħafna zokkor u xaħam għax dan iġib il-mard; nitlaqqmu kontra l-mard; nieħdu ħsieb snienna; naraw li norqdu u nistrieħu biżżejjed; nagħmlu xi tip ta' sport u eżerċizzju;  u nevitaw postijiet fejn isir it-tipjip kif ukoll dħaħen għax dawn jagħmlu ħażin għas-saħħa.


Naraw ukoll xi espressjonijiet jistgħu jintużaw sabiex l-istudenti iżewqu l-kitba tagħhom.


It-tfal jiktbu l-kitba kreattiva tagħhom.

Creative Writing: A new fruit juice on the market!

Write an advert to launch a new fruit juice on the market. 


Success criteria: Students will we given the opportunity to express themselves during the lesson both verbally and in writing. 



Find some adverts on the internet so that the students will aquaint themselves about techniques of writing an advert.


Lesson development:

Ask questions to elicit from students various ways of how we can advertise our fruit juice. We will discuss about the individual characteristics that each advertise may contain. We will try to highlight also some nutrition information that the product may have.  



The students will write their advert.

Healthy Living

Instructions: How to have a bath!

Fill in the blanks to complete the following set of instructions.


Success criteria: Students will experience the possibility to learn how to write a set of instructions regarding How to have a bath!  



Students will conduct a research on internet to learn how to write a set of instructions. 


Lesson development:

- We will discuss various ways of how to write a set of instructions.   

- We will discuss relevant arguments that can be included in the set of instructions



The students will write their advert.

Healthy Living

Instructions: How to wash your hands!

Success criteria: Students will experience the possibility to learn how to write a set of instructions regarding How to wash your hands!  



Students will conduct a research on internet to learn various ways of how we should wash your hans in the proper way. 


Lesson development:

We will discuss relevant arguments that can be included in the set of instructions



The students will write their advert.

Yr 6.2 - Ms. Sonia Farrugia

Studju Soċjali: Riċiklaġġ

Waqt il-lezzjoni tal-Istudju Soċjali fil-klassi tagħna tkellimna ħafna dwar l-ambjent u kif nistgħu nieħdu ħsiebu.  Aħna tkellimna dwar il-ħsara li qed issir lill-ambjent u kif nistgħu nagħmlu l-parti tagħna biex forsi ngħinu ftit l-ambjent.  Aħna tkellimna dwar ir-reċiklagg, għamilna wkoll slogans favur l-ambjent u morma wkoll inzuru l-impjanti ta' Wied il-Għajn u dak ta' Hal Far.  Wara dawn il-lezzjonijiet, fil-klassi kien hemm żewgt itfal li d-dar tagħhom ma kinux jirreciklaw u issa bdew jirreċiklaw.​

Dinja Waħda: Vanishing Homes

Waqt din il-lezzjoni l-istudenti kellhom l-opportunità li jitgħallmu dwar paesaġġi ekoloġiċi Maltin kemm bi speċi ta’ annimali jew pjanti selvaġġi partikolari li jgħixu fil-ħabitat, kif ukoll dwar postijiet abitanti minn annimali li jgħixu permanenti fil-żona. L-istudenti qraw informazzjoni karatteristika utli rigward annimali u pjanti li jinsabu f’dawn il-postijiet:

1. Irdum – Merill, Ċiefa, Widnet il-Baħar, Spanjulett, Gawwija Prima);

2. Wied – Vjolin tax-Xitwa, Żrinġ, Luq, Qabru, Gallozz Iswed, Qasba Kbira);

3. Art agrikola – Qanfud, Għasfur tal-Bejt, Bufula tal-Imrewħa, Peprin Aħmar, Bebbuxu, Farfett tal-Bużbież/Farfett tal-Fejġel);

4. Bosk – Pitirross, Ballottra, Bagħdan Aħmar, Liedna, Żnuber, Balluta;

5. Xagħri – Xaħmet l-Art, Serp Iswed, Bużaqq tax-Xitwa, Sagħtar, Orkidi, Fenek Salvaġġ;

6. Ġnien – Gremxula, Bufula Sewda, Sturnell, Farfett tal-Ħurrieq, Mazzarell, Wiżgħa.





L-istudenti għażlu wieħed minn dawn l-annimali/pjanti u fi gruppi ħadmu fuq proġett sabiex jiktbu l-informazzjoni fi kliemhom bil-Malti.

Wara l-istudenti ħarġu jilagħbu lezzjoni relatata ma’ din il-lezzjoni. L-iskola ta’ din il-logħba kien li jġib lill-istudenti konxji ta’ x’jiġri meta il-bniedem jeqred l-abitat tal-annimali. L-istudenti tgħallmu li b’dan l-att inkunu qed neqirdu ukoll l-ispeċi li jgħixu fihom, bil-konsegwenza li jistgħu jiġu estinti.

L-annimali (irrappreżentati mill-istudenti) jinsabu siguri fil-ħabitat naturali tagħhom.

Yr 6.3 - Mr. Michael Fenech

Social Studies: The Water Cycle

Scholastic Year 2014-2015:

The Lesson starts by eliciting from the children some information to determine if they know how tap water originates:  ideas like rain and reverse osmosis come up and then we proceed to see if they know how the rain falls and what is the process involved in reverse osmosis.

Then the children watch a video depicting the things mentioned above. Handouts are distributed were children: have to write about what they have learnt; colour the various stages of these  processes; cut and organise in sequence as they occur. Finally they are grouped and asked to find more information and create a chart about the water cycle, whereby highlighting the stages involved in the process of reverse osmosis. The charts created by the children are read in class to their peers on the subsequent lesson and then in the assembly to show to the rest of the school what they have learnt.

Scholastic Year 2015-2016

These science lessons were an explanation of the water cycle. Trough science videos the children learn the terms involved and these are compared to everyday life items. For instance as can be seen on the handouts worked by the student's, evaporation is similar to the steam that comes out from the pot of boiling water while condensation is a similar effect as in when breathing on a window. A chart presentation is then created by groups of children who explain their findings to the rest of the group.

Scholastic Year 2015-2016

In this particular lesson the teacher tried to elict information from the children by asking them if they have a water filtration system and if they know what its function. Due to the lack of water in Malta, we make use of such implants that filter water from the sea. While watching a video the children learned what it involves and then they worked out a handout that involved cutting, shading and forming a map of how the water goes through this implant and into our tap at home​.

Mathematics: Fractions

Scholastic Year 2015-2016

Children are divided into groups and handed a card with instructions to follow in order to solve the mathematical problems. The lids are coloured and the different colours are counted over the whole number of lids. In this manner children enjoy themselves while learning what fractions are and by reducing to the lowest term, the equivalent fractions. The laminated instruction cards are graded so that everyone in the group can participate.

Yr 6.4 - Ms. Ann Marie Tonna

Science: Food Groups & Healthy Lifestyles

Success Criteria:

- To classify the foods into basic categories such as grains, vegetables, fruits, milk and meat and use the above classification of food in order to build a healthy diet.



Start the lesson with a brain-storming exercise of what the different food groups are and what food can be classified into the different food groups. Then the students will be presented with a note on the different food groups and what food can be eaten from the different food groups.


Lesson development:

Then the students will be presented with an interactive game where they have to create their own plate around the five food groups, in order to make sure that that get all the nutrients their bodies need to grow strong and healthy. Moreover the students have to also discuss the importance of physical activity in order to have a healthy lifestyle and what activities could be done.



Students will be discussing what changes need to be done in their daily habitual routines in order to be able to have a healthier lifestyle.

English Creative Writing 

Creating a Tuna wrap

Success criteria:

- To express themselves during the lesson both verbally and in writing.



Students were presented with some recipes on the internet in order to acquaint themselves with the techniques of writing instructions in order to write a recipe.


Lesson Development:

Students have to elicit different ingredients which can be used into their wrap. We will discuss about the importance of integrating five food groups into a meal while choosing the ingredients for our wraps.



Students will write the instructions on how to do a tuna wrap together in class using the ingredients chosen.

Kitba Kreattiva tal-Malti 

Artiklu – L-importanza li nagħrfu nieklu tajjeb

Kriterji ta’ suċċess:

- It-tfal jitħarrġu fit-taħdit kif ukoll fil-kitba.


Introduzzjoni tal-lezzjoni:

Se jsir orali fejn l-istudenti huma mistennija li jelenkaw x’jifhmu meta jisimgħu dwar l-importanza li għandhom jagħrfu jieklu tajjeb. tinħoloq diskussjoni dwar x’ikel hu tajjeb għal saħħitna u x’ikel mhux tajjeb għal saħħitna. Ser jissemmew ukoll xi mard li jista’ jkollna jekk ma nibżgħux għal saħħitna u dwar x’nistgħu nagħmlu biex nieħdu ħsieb saħħitna.


Żvilipp tal-lezzjoni:

Se jsir il-pjan tal-artiklu flimkien fil-klassi fejn ser nqassmu dak li ntqal fil-klassi fl-introduzzjoni skont il-mistoqsijiet li kienu ppreżentati bħala mudell ta’ kif jistgħu jqassmu l-artiklu tagħhom. Ser naraw ukoll xi espressjonijiet li jistgħu jintużaw sabiex l-istudenti jżewqu l-kitba taghħom.



It-tfal ser jiktbu l-artiklu tagħhom.

Mathematics: 3D Shapes

Success Criteria:

- Students will be able to classify 3D shapes and talk about their properties.



Students will be introduced with the lesson by explaining that they will be discussing 3D shapes using material which they can see everyday, and talk about their properties.



Students will be seperated into groups, where each group will be allocated a shape and they have to present the items which have that 3D shape allocated (cube, cuboid, cone, cylinder, sphere) [they can bring the item or a photo of the item] to their classmates and then they will be asked to talk about the shape presented (faces, vertices, edges).



Students will be working on a worksheet “Investigating 3D Shapes” where they will be recognising the 3D shapes using the properties listed.

Kulleġġ San Injazju

Skola Primarja Ħaż-Żebbuġ

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