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Yr 2.1 - Ms. Joanne Mangion

Krafts: Flieles tal-Għid

It-tfal tal-klassi għamlu flieles tal-Għid mir-rollijiet tat-tojlit pejper. L-għan ta’ dil-lezzjoni hu li t-tfal jitgħallmu jirriċiklaw u jutilizzaw l-oġġetti iktar minn darba minflok jintremew.

The 3 R’s: Reusing, Reducing and Recycling

Learning Resources/Materials:


• Computer
• PPT Presentation (Recycle, Reduce, Reuse)                                                            

• whiteboard poster logo
• Worksheet
• Pencils/markers/crayons



The teacher will engage students in a discussion about the influences that people have on our Earth. The teacher will direct the discussion toward recycling, after which the PPT on the 3 R’s should be viewed. Following the PPT presentation, students will think of different ways that they can use the 3 R’s.

After the powerpoint observe and talk about the recycling logo. Give the children a handout to do their own logo.

Yr 2.2 - Ms. Sarah Scicluna


Changes in weather: Protecting the environment

Desired Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the lesson the children will be able to:

  • List 3 things they can do to protect the environment

  • Know that care should be taken of the environment since flora and fauna are found there

  • Identify which ways are protecting the environment and which are not



Story: The Bear Hug




Show the story of The Bear Hug.

Ask the children to identify one wrong thing that was going to happen in the story.

Ask the children why they think that the bear was hugging the animals and the trees.


Development of Lesson:

Ask the children why they think trees are important - They make the air cleaner.

Ask the children how we can protect trees: use less paper by using both sides of the paper.


Remind the children about the word environment or l-ambjent.

Ask the children to list what forms part of the environment.

Ask the children to list possible ways how they can take care of the environment:

  • Using less electricity by hanging clothes instead of using a tumble drier, turning off lights

  • Use a bike or walk for a short distance

  • Reduce, reuse, recycle

  • Turn off water when brushing teeth

  • Use a lunch box

  • Using a litter bin


Ask the children what could happen if we do not take care of the environment.

  • Trees will die

  • Birds will not have where to rest

  • Other animals will not have food


Show the PPT. Ask the children to identify which ways are protecting the environment and which ways are not and ask why



See if children have any difficulties

Recapitulate how they can help the environment.

Studju Soċjali

L-ikel u l-piramida tal-ikel

X’mistenni jintlaħaq sa tmiem din il-lezzjoni:


Sal-aħħar tal-lezzjoni t-tfal se jkunu kapaċi:

  • Jsemmu x’inhi l-piramida tal-ikel

  • Jagħżlu bejn ikel tajjeb għas-saħħa u dak inqas tajjeb

  • Iqassmu l-ikel fil-piramida tal-ikel



- Mug tal-kafe u kuċċarina

- Vidjo

- IWB activity

- Ħendawt

- ÄŠart




Għid din l-istorja lit-tfal:

Mark kien iħobb imur għand in-nanna. Kemm kien jogħġbu t-te tan-nanna. Kif jidħol kien jistaqsiha biex tamillu ftit te. Kien ipoġġi bilqiegħda u jieħu l-ewwel belgħa. Imma fil-pront jistaqsi lin-nanna biex iżżidlu z-zokkor. Jerġa’ jduqu u jkun irid iżjed zokkor. (kompli hekk għal 7 kuċċarini zokkor). Meta kien ikollu biżżejjed zokkor kien jixorbu.


  • Taħsbu li dak iz-zokkor kollu huwa tajjeb? Għalfejn?

  • Tafu liema xarba fiha daqsekk zokkor?


Spjega li llum sa naraw kif nieklu ikel aħjar għal saħħitna.

Ibda uri l-video dwar il-piramida tal-ikel.

Spjega fejn meħtieġ. Staqsi:

  • Liema ikel insibu isfel? Għalfejn?

  • Min xiex inhu magħmul?


Uża l-IWB activity. Ħeġġeġ tfal differenti biex jagħmlu l-attivitajiet.

  • X’ikel nistgħu nieklu biex ngħixu iktar b’saħħitna?

  • Intom x’ikel tieklu?

  • X’nistgħu nieħdu minfloku?

  • Barra li nieklu ikel tajjeb għas-saħħa, x’irridu nagħmlu iżjed biex inkunu b’saħħitna?



Aqsam lit-tfal fi gruppi. Agħti stampi ta’ ikel u t-tfal iridu jpoġġuh fil-parti t-tajba tal-piramida.

Addattament: It-tfal iwaħħlu t-tabelli tal-ikel mal-partijiet it-tajba tal-piramida fuq ic-chart biex juri it-taqsimiet.


Xogħol għad-dar:


Yr 2.3 - Ms. Mariella Grima

Science: A growing plant

Fil-klassi tkellimna dwar il-pjanti.  L-ewwel t-tfal tgħallmu l-ismijiet ta’ partijiet differenti tal-pjanti kemm bil-Malti kif ukoll bl-Ingliż.  It-tfal ħadu gost jilagħbu logħob on-line fejn riedu jqabblu l-ismijiet tal-partijiet differenti tal-pjanta. Fl-aħħar pinÄ¡ew il-partijiet differenti tal-pjanta u kellhom jgħaqqduha u jwaħħlu l-isem ta’ kull parti ħdejha.

Fil-lezzjoni ta’ wara ddiskutejna kif tikber pjanta u x’għandha bżonn biex tikber sew u b’saħħitha.   Fost l-oħrajn iddiskutejna li biex tikber pjanta għandha bżonn ilma, ikel u dawl. 


Staqsejthom dawn il-mistoqsijiet:

- X’jiÄ¡ri jekk nagħtuha ftit ilma? 

- X'jiÄ¡ri jekk nagħtuha ilma ngħtuha ilma żejjed? 

- Minn fejn jieħdu l-ikel il-pjanti? 

- L-għeruq x’użu għandhom?  

- X’jiÄ¡ri jekk pjanta tkun fi dlam Ä‹appa? 


It-tfal ħadu gost jiddiskutu dwar l-importanza li nitgħallmu kif tieħu ħsieb il-pjanti.

It-tfal lagħbu logħba on-line u ħadmu kwiżż fuq l-istess sit.

Kulleġġ San Injazju

Skola Primarja Ħaż-Żebbuġ

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